Monday, May 23, 2005

Monday, Monday ver. 632.01

Ah, a day at my computer - the first day in more than a week. I've been busting my butt working away from home for the last week and a half, and dealing with Jason's drama and moving the new sub-tenant in.

Jason came last night and picked up ALL of his stuff. It's all gone, he's gone, and I met his new benefactor. This time, a woman in her late 30s - you can see it written all over her that she has it for him BAD.

I was thinking of engaging him in conversation about it today (her falling for him so hard) but then, I thought .. why? It's for him to figure out, and her to deal with. It's clear to me that he uses charm, sexual potency and flirtation to survive, and that he'll be in his 50s, still pursuing a life of partying and finding the next person to live with.

The bedding is in the washer, all of the drawers and cabinets are pulled open, and the fogger is at work.

I guess the next thing that I should do is figure out WHY my printer is suddenly not working. After that, emails and faxes need go out. More later!

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