Thursday, April 07, 2005

Thursday, the normal meeting day

It's a glorious day here in Baghdad on the Bayou, and I have an open day to work on various paperwork that needs looking at. Kind of nice. Tonight, I'm having dinner with one of my favorite people, with whom I don't get to spend very much time anymore. She is a pianist, and was musical director for a number of musicals that I've been in, or at theaters where I was the administrator. She's brilliant, laid back, wonderful and I'm really looking forward to seeing her.

I am expecting my favorite sexually ambiguous "straight" boy to join us - he's a masseur (when he works) and I haven't seen him for months. Last time I saw him, we got quite drunk at my apartment, and he was flopping around on the sofa, playing with his (very flat) belly and grousing about how women don't give good head. I just left it alone.

The National Rifle Association is expecting as many as 60,000 people at its annual convention in Houston next week. Yeep!

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