Monday, December 20, 2004

It never rains, but it pours.

The most exciting thing that happened today was reading this political hype email about a potential nuclear terrorist attack on Houston, allegedly set for December 27.

After that, the whole car blowing up and being towed off for $500 of repairs was sweet. $500 I don't have, and don't know if I will have until after Christmas.

Nicole came by with my Christmas gift - it is a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11 - I screamed I was so pleased. I'm surprised she didn't burst into flame when she carried it to the cash register. As she said, it's proof positive that her love for me means more than ideology. What a sweet Christmas sentiment!!

I haven't done a lick of work today. I have a bunch TO do. Rescheduled my IRS audit, due to auto infirmity. I don't know how I'm getting to my interview tomorrow afternoon.

I know what I'm wearing; don't know how I'm getting there. I guess I'll have to take a cab. Bleh.

I should vacuum and clean the kitchen floor. And get ready to walk the mutts.

I need a Christmas miracle.

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