Tuesday, January 21, 2003

The refreshment of garbage, the comfort of vinyl

Greg contacted me tonight. Ah, Greg. There was torture in the past, but what wonderful inspiration for a performance in a musical two years ago.

I spent part of tonight going through my two big, plastic file boxes and tossing old paperwork. Just for good measure, I went through my filing cabinet (now, just admit it, you immediately thought of a big, grey thing with four drawers and steel handles, rusting on the bottom, and jammed with old papers. Fie! A pox on you for imagining such a thing in MY casita!) and pulled out more old and useless paperwork. Now, I'm only one casual evening away from having all lof my papers filed in neat order. TWO big kitchen garbage bags of stuff to the trash tonight. I feel lighter already!

I may have the bed cleared off before Friday. In the guest room. My bed is cleared every night.


I've been listening to vinyl tonight. First were two lovely jazz albums, Cleo Lane, and then a montage of jazz singers - second was the 1977 smash album "Main Course" by the BeeGees, and now I'm listening to the sound track to "Electric Dreams," that crappy, sappy 1980s movie about a computer that takes over a guy's life. The title cut is AWESOME.

The rest of the album is crappy, though - just like the movie that spawned it.

It's so comforting to listen to vinyl. It's just so .. warm.

Yes, I know everyone and their dog has used that term to compare vinyl to CDs or other digital music, but .. it fits.

Get over it.

I'm going to be SO happy to have all this crap gone through and organized.

When Johnny died, I had quite an awakening about all this 'crap' that is so important in life. I realized that all that "stuff" he was so obsessed about was suddenly meaningless to anyone. It was just waste paper.

So, I've been going through all this stuff tonight, and tossing anything that I'm truly not going to use again, or won't be amused or happy to have saved a few years from now.

And enjoying the freedom of knowing that all this crap I've tossed out will NEVER again plague the back of my mind.

Once I'm done here, I'll be able to quickly and easily locate anything that I have kept in this apartment. Possibly for the first time since I started keeping records around 1981.

Now, I have more stuff to decide on before Friday - the big package of UPS shipper stuff, for instance. Am I really going to make a go of an eBay part time career? No, probably not. Should I keep all this stuff? No, probably not.

I have another big eBay garage sale coming up, though, so maybe I should hang on to it for a short while. My goal is to have all these dresser drawers emptied out - by the end of February.

And everything framed and up on the walls that's going.

I wish now that I had the speakers in this bedroom wired up. It would make listening to the stereo so much better in here.

Okay, time to empty the dogs and contemplate going to bed. Prayers to people in Mexico City and the surrounding areas -

And love to you, gentle readers..


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