Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Mashup Wednesday -

This morning, I had a bloom on my climbing, clambering morning glory.  I can see now why they're called morning glory - I was out there at 7:15 this morning, and the bloom had already collapsed.

Will I get up even earlier to check it out?  Don't hold your breath.

Some random thoughts will creep into this here post.  To-wit, I'm becoming increasingly aware that people (most people) spend most of their time complaining about how they're being ill treated.  When they're not verbalizing how they are ill treated, they're acting out of a goal to reinforce and/or compensate for their perception of maltreatment.

How on earth does anything get done?

Facebook is fast losing its appeal for me.

I'm working on a new web based publishing concept and I've just started posting new content.  The content is probably not something you need, but it's something a lot of people need.

The concept is a triptych of blogs (web logs) covering three primary areas:

"Can You Believe That?" - notes of the interesting things people do at
"Can They Do That?" - notes about collection agencies, how they are allowed to behave and what to do about misbehavior at
"Can I Deduct That?" - notes about taxes as they relate to self-employment and small business at

I'm spinning this up gradually, but I'd sure appreciate your thoughts.  You can share them by email, or by making comments after each article.  All comments are moderated, so if you want to post a comment, you can swing wide and not worry about having to retract it later.

You can also help me out by doing any of the following:

  • Subscribe to my posts on any or all three sites.  You can unsubscribe at any time; you'll mostly get a notice that there's a new article
  • Let friends who may find the information helpful, supportive, or entertaining know about the articles by sharing them
  • Using online referral tools, such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Stumble On to recommend them to others
  • Thinking good thoughts for me
Thanks for having a look!!

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