Sunday, June 28, 2009

This was indeed a first for me

I went tonight to see "Angels and Demons" with Robert - we were in an AMC theater that had, quite truthfully, confusing bathroom signage.  After the show, we were both headed into the men's room and he paused as he was walking in to make sure it was the men's and not the women's.

As he passed through the door, he said "I had to make sure."  Then, as we moved into the toilet area, he said "you know, I have to be careful.  Twice I've walked into the women's.  There have been some arrests."

Man, I had to work but I pulled together "Oh, yeah - that one was when you were dressed like Marie Antoinette.  But, which was the other costume again?  Was that the Betsy Ross, or the Carmen Miranda?"

EVERY urinal was occupied.  One guy started to crack up.  Robert quipped "Be nice to me, I was young and I had to make some money." 

Me:  "But, that was last week!"

Open chuckling among all the pissoir patronage.  One guy says "This is just wrong for a bathroom conversation."

Robert: "Yeah, and my ankle still hurts from those high heels!"

Me:  "Oh, so it WAS the Carmen Miranda!"

Now, everyone in the men's room is openly laughing.

We walk over to the sinks, and my soap dispenser dispenses nothing.

Me:  "I thought soap dispensers were designed to dispense soap.  This is against the laws of nature!"

More howling.

As the troops trooped out, every prior visitor to the WC was telling their lady about the hilarity.

Time for a new rule!  Men can have social time in the men's room, too!

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