Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I've concluded that people who sell Phaetons are out of their minds

My reply to a VW salesman in Seattle:

I've concluded that the market for a W12 Phaeton 4-seat is without logic
or reason. I've found an 06 CPO for $79,999. Yours at sticker.
Another at $89,000. An 04 with 700 (for real) miles on it for $69,000.
And 04 CPO with 7500 for $56,000. Two are advertised as Papillon Silver
Helichrome, but are really Silver Mirror. No one knows what it is that
they really have, and those that do charge
30% more.

And my auction/market research shows that all of these prices are an
invitation for me to pay from $16,000 to $45,000 for the first year of

My decision for today is to have a big martini and think about this
further later.

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