Thursday, July 13, 2006

The first letter of mine that the Chronicle is likely to publish

On July 12, Bernie Bryl wrote to complain of the noise levels at Intercontinental Airport.

These complaints mystify me; Intercontinental Airport was built in the middle of undeveloped ranch and woodland almost forty years ago. There were no residential areas there, and the North Harris college campus that is mentioned was founded four years after Intercontinental Airport was opened.

Everyone who is complaining of the nuisance that Intercontinental Airport poses made a choice to be there, knowing that the airport was there first. Beginning in 1969, the airport has operated continuously at that location, and any development, residential, commercial or educational, knowingly established themselves underneath an airport's traffic pattern at a time when jet engine noise was many, many times louder than it is now.

These complaints are without merit, and should continue to be ignored by local, state and Federal government officials. Intercontinental Airport is a huge economic engine for our region, just as is the port. Strangling it to accommodate people who chose to be in harm's way makes no sense.

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