Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tuesday developments

Went to the doctor's for my monthly visit; their BG meter reads about 30 points lower than mine does; I guess I need to check and see about recalibrating it.

While there, I had the nurse prac freeze off a bunch of skin tags that had been annoying me. Now, I just ache. Yowie. I have never had anything frozen off before and it's ouchie. I need to focus on doing some work here, and I am just being a baby right now.

Got an email coupon from a VW dealer for $1500 off any new VW in stock. Hm. They have one Beetle TDI 5 speed and ten-ish Jetta TDI 5 speeds. 40 mpg. The new beetle may be the least expensive car to own on the planet. The Phaeton that I want is the most expensive (probably) at a dollar a mile for annual use, exclusive of interest costs.

Thinking, thinking, thinking - and I have some work to do for this afternoon. Some of it thinking work, some of it work work. More later.

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