Sunday, January 12, 2003

Matthew, Chapter Two, Verse One

A lovely evening at Richard's again - it's cold here tonight!! 37F/2C! Brrrr!

Today was somewhat productive, and will be an early evening to bed. I got caught up on records filing, and am waffling on whether to put a light in my curio over the porcelain goddess, which will hold my airline glass.

Talked to Matthew today for a while. Last we exchanged messages, he said he thought it would be better if we were just friends.

Today, we seem to have had an about-face. He mentioned that he had been bored and lonely, and that I had "always shown him a good time."

So, the bottom line is that we're going to dinner tomorrow night, my anti-Y pledge notwithstanding.

I'll report in later.

Tonight's pearl of wisdom, from "Sex and the City." It goes - "There are three things that people in the city are always looking for: A job, an apartment and a man. Why is it that, when I have two of three that are fabulous, I define myself by my lack of the third?"

Amen, sister.

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