Tuesday, December 17, 2002

A quick note -

Today was a HOOT. My sweet friend Owen from Poznan had me in stitches half the day; I'll have to write more about that when I have a little time.

Also talked to my friend in Frankfurt - the one who wants me to visit with him in January - he was saying that I didn't write about him quite enough, thank you very much. So, let me tell you more about Timmy. He's very sweet, he's a purser for a European airline, which means I get to chase him around looking for dirt about the airline biz, he's handsome, funny, flirtatious and he looks great naked, which is more than most guys in their late 30s can say.

He and his partner are traveling to the US in May, I think it is, and I've persuaded them (I think) to spend a number of days here at the Casita de Divo so that I can show them the local hospertality. This involves trips to the Galleria, to NASA, to Galveston (where visitors are uniformly horrified by the mud brown water and the general state of disrepair) and lots and lots of TexMex food.

I proposed to Owen today. He said yes, but I think he was mostly kidding.

Okay, I'm re-reading "Headwind" by John J. Nance, and I'm at a good part, so I'm going to publish, and go to bed earlier than last night.

Until the morrow ..

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