Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Ah, another morning - rich, dark, steamy coffee and reading the news (what they tell us of it anyway) while thinking about the day ahead.

Today, it's all about credit reports. I have clients for whom I have promised improvement in their credit, and today I hav to pull out the magic wand and wave it over their respective credit histories. It's not hard work, it's just close detail work - looking for clear inaccuracies and inconsistencies, and getting things phrased in such a way that a credit bureau clerk will find them compelling.

Mixed reviews on my opening blog salvos - my friend James (who's an inveterate on-line journalist) LOVED it, and wants to be my blog fan. Whoo hoo! My first regular reader. My very dear friend Larry was a bit overwhelmed by it all. I think he was still rattled by the nudie pictures of crowds at a German clothing store that I sent to him yesterday -

Off to work I go (after a suitable make-ready period) to accomplish more financial miracles.

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