Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Where do we draw the line between

Where do we draw the line between thoughts, beliefs and automatic responses CREATING and the same quiet thoughts warning us of danger signs we are ignoring?

A wise man told me at dinner last week that the voice that whispers warnings is drowned out by all of the reasons we want something to happen.

A couple of weeks ago and purely by accident, I regained contact with a man with whom I was very interested nearly a year ago. Even though the end of our conversations months back was very punitive, I ignored the whispering voice that said "Danger, Will Robinson". He came on like a runaway coal train, 40+ texts a day, phone calls, emails, flirtations, he couldn't wait to meet in person. After a few days of phone activity, I saved his number into my phone - again. And, that whisper was right there - "you'll just end up deleting this in a few days".

Yesterday, I did just that. Before doing so, I thought "why didn't I listen to that whisper?"

I've successfully listened to the whisper more often in these last months.

Just about a year ago, I had quite a lot of whisper - clangor, practically. Each interaction set off the gongs, but as was said at dinner the other night, my desires overrode any warnings.

Until my desires changed.

Then, all there were left were the warning tones.

My question is - since all thought creates, did I engage in creating these two mini-dramas, or was I creating it through ignoring and not honoring the warning intuition?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But you already knew the answer! Isn't trusting your intuition the missing ingredient?