Monday, November 03, 2008


And, no, I'm not talking about John McCain. Enough of that.

Several things -

When people are speaking on a wireless phone (cell or at home) and the call quality is poor, they consistently say "you broke up" or "you're breaking up."

Um, are you sure? If I heard you just fine and you couldn't hear me, who was it exactly that was "breaking up?" The way the common statement is phrased is a matter of blame; saying "our call broke up" or "our call quality is poor, and I couldn't hear you" is actually more accurate and without finding fault.

Next thing -

Why is it that people who haven't ever had a pot to piss in, or whose economic lives have been roiled and forever changed to the worse from the last eight years are so convinced that Obama is going to destroy their futures?

Is it perhaps .. race? Bigotry?

I think so.

Either that, or they're people who believe that McDonald's has a "healthy" menu.

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